Google Manual Actions & Penalties Are Not Just For English Sites

Google Manual Actions & Penalties Are Not Just For English Sites

When google manual actions and penalties are discussed , there are some common questions that are asked most frequently. Manual penalties are only issued for serious matters. There are some human errors as well but very rarely. 

 If a penalty is issued , it cannot be declined in any way. As per the reports penalty has a mild impact on the website performance. The impact of the penalty will be over time only when the following factors will have a place. 

Factors like technical setup, google policy changes and the increased rate of competition over the years. 

John Mueller stated on X “Manual actions and algorithm changes are independent of the native language of the authors”. 

He was also asked “ does Google penalize sites written by non-native English writers?” 

John answered by saying that manuals can be for every site and he also added a google search 

“People of all backgrounds can create great, helpful, unique, and compelling content”.

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