How To Pin A Comment On Instagram?

How To Pin A Comment On Instagram

How to pin a comment on Instagram? Instagram, the famous photo and video-sharing platform, has developed essentially throughout the long term. It’s not only a spot for sharing minutes; it’s likewise a platform for engagement and interaction. One of the features that can assist with boosting engagement is the capacity to pin comments on your posts. 

You can develop your Instagram experience and establish solid connections with your followers by involving this function in a determined way. So feel free to start pinning those critical comments to help your Instagram posts stick out. Feeling confused and do not find the way to do it?

Here is the answer I am starting with the advantages of pinning the comments on Instagram.

What Are The Benefits Of Pinning A Comment On Instagram?

What Are The Benefits Of Pinning A Comment On Instagram?
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Before we dig into the step-by-step process of how to pin a comment on Instagram, we should investigate the benefits of pinning a comment on Instagram. Understanding the reason why you should use this feature can assist you with capitalizing on it:

1. Highlight Important Information – 

Pinning a comment permits you to notice explicit information or announcements connected with your post. Whether it’s a promotion, a contest rule, or a sincere message, pinning a comment guarantees that it’s the main thing your viewers see when they engage with your content.

2. Encourage Engagement – 

You must know how to pin a comment on Instagram. Hence by pinning a comment, you can encourage more interactions and discussions on your post. This can be particularly useful for influencers and brands hoping to cultivate a feeling of community and move conversations along.

3. Combat Negativity – 

In the realm of social media, negative comments can once in a while eclipse positive ones. Pinning a positive or constructive comment can assist with balancing the impact of negative feedback and keeping a positive climate on your post.

4. Express Gratitude – 

Pin comments that express appreciation or gratitude from your followers. This acknowledges your supporters as well as encourages others to engage emphatically with your content.

5. Share Additional Information – 

On the off chance that your post is about an item, administration, or occasion, pinning a comment with additional subtleties or links can furnish your audience with additional background information or direct them to important assets.

What Is Meant By Pinning Comments On Instagram?

What Is Meant By Pinning Comments On Instagram?

Before digging for the answer how to pin a comment on Instagram? You have to know what pining comments on Instagram are and how they can benefit you.

Now that we’ve investigated the upsides of pinning comments on Instagram, we should explain what a pinned comment really is on the platform. 

A pinned comment is a user-generated comment that you, as the proprietor of the post, have decided to “pin” to the top of the comment section. 

At the point when you pin a comment, it stays at the top of the comments, making it exceptionally visible to anyone viewing the post. This comment is highlighted with a little pin icon, showing its importance.

Pinning comments should be possible on customary Instagram posts and, all the more as of late, on Instagram Live broadcasts. How about we continue with the step-by-step guide on how to pin comments for the two situations?

How To Pin A Comment On Instagram Standard Post?

How To Pin A Comment On Instagram Standard Post?
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We researched the upsides of pinning comments on Instagram and what a pinned comment is and here are the six easy steps to pin the comments on the Instagram standard post.

Step 1: Create Your Post: 

Start by creating another post or selecting an existing one that you need to pin a comment on.

Step 2: Add A Comment: 

In the wake of posting, add a comment to your own post. This can be your own comment or a positive one from a follower that you need to highlight.

Step 3: Pin The Comment: 

Once your comment is posted, you’ll see three dots (…) close to it. Tap on these dots.

Step 4: Select “Pin Comment”: 

A menu will show up, and one of the options will be “Pin Comment.” Tap on it.

Step 5: Confirmation: 

Instagram will confirm that the comment has been pinned with a message that says, “Comment pinned.”

Step 6: View The Pinned Comment: 

Scroll back to your comments section, and you’ll see the pinned comment at the top, set apart with a pin icon.

How To Pinning A Comment On Instagram Live?

How To Pin A Comment On Instagram Standard Post?

You already know the procedure for how to pin a comment on Instagram. Instagram Live is a unique method for engaging with your audience continuously, and presently you can likewise pin comments during your live broadcasts. Let’s see how to pin a comment on Instagram Live.

Step 1: Start Your Live Video

Start your Instagram Live as you regularly would by swiping right from your feed and selecting “Live.”

Step 2: Interact with Viewers

As your live video advances, viewers will leave comments. Interact with your audience and let comments flow.

Step 3: Choose a Comment to Pin

When you see a comment that you need to pin, tap and hold it. This will pause the comment stream and display options.

Step 4: Select “Pin Comment”

 Among the options, you’ll find “Pin Comment.” Tap on it to pin the selected comment.

Step 5: Confirmation

Instagram will confirm the pinned comment with a message on the screen.

Step 6: Unpin or Change the Pinned Comment

If you need to unpin the comment or pin an alternate one, just tap and hold another comment and select “Pin Comment” or choose “Unpin Comment” to eliminate the ongoing pinned comment.

How To Increase The Impact Of Pinned Comments?

Since it has become so undeniably obvious how to pin comments on Instagram, we should discuss a few strategies for maximizing the impact of this feature:

1. Pinning User-Generated Content

Consider pinning comments that showcase user-generated content, for example, customer reviews, testimonials, or photos connected with your item or administration. This gives social evidence as well as encourages others to contribute their content, boosting engagement.

2. Use Pinned Comments for Calls to Action

When you have a particular source of inspiration (CTA) connected with your post, such as requesting that users visit your website or take part in a contest, pin a comment with clear instructions and a link. This guarantees that the CTA stays visible to everyone engaging with your content.

3. Encourage Discussion

You can pin comments that encourage discussion or opinions from your followers. For instance, on the off chance that you post about a recent development or moving topic, pin a comment asking your audience for their thoughts. This can ignite engaging conversations in the comments section.


Hope you get the complete guidance of how to pin a comment on Instagram and live. Pinning a comment on Instagram posts permits you to underline key information, interact with your audience, and keep a positive climate on your posts and live broadcasts. Knowing how to pin a comment can assist you with capitalizing on your Instagram presence, whether you’re a brand, a solitary user, or a significant force.


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