How can you ever forget the legendary Google Earth Day quiz? This quiz was Google’s 2015 Earth Day tribute. Google Earth Day 2023 was dedicated to raising awareness and accelerating the response to the climate crisis.
In fact, Google Doodle celebrated the day with real-time time-lapse images showing the impact of climate change on the four distinct locations in and around the globe – the images from each location were shown for hours on Google’s homepage.
That’s all well and good, but when you consider all the memorable moments in Google’s Earth Day history.
What Is Google Earth Day Quiz?

On April 21st every year, just like the Earth Day quiz Google 2022, Earth Day is celebrated around the world. In 2015, Google celebrated Earth Day with an even more popular quiz called Earth Day Quiz Google. The Google Doodle team created these animated illustrations to celebrate Earth Day and created the ‘What animal are you’ quiz.
The Google logo was based on animals and created a rotating globe where users can not only participate in the game but also share their quiz results on their social media and email. Users can also take the quiz several times or search for their favorite animals.
Without further ado, scroll down to discover all that is known about this renowned quiz, which was undoubtedly one of the most entertaining Google Doodle activities at the time.
All You Need To Know About The Google Earth Day Quiz

In 1970, the first Earth Day was established to catalyze and mobilize the entire contemporary environmental movement. The environmental movement had been gradually gaining momentum throughout this period, culminating in the passage of several environmental regulations in the United States. Those laws are:
- Clean Water Act
- Clean Air Act
- Endangered Species Act
The official website of the Earth Day Network states that the organization has more than fifty thousand partners in 192 countries and that Earth Day is observed by more than one billion people around the world.
It is important to note that Google Doodle is not only celebrated in the US but also on various international Google homepages around the world. Therefore, if one is located in India and searches for the “Google Earth Day quiz”, one can easily access the quiz.
The Explanation Of Google About The Google Earth Day Quiz

Just like the Earth Day quiz Google 2022, this year it was also a very fun quiz. Are you already searching for an ‘Earth Day Google quiz’? If so, we’re sure you’re in for a treat. But before we dive in, let’s take a closer look at what Google has to say about the Earth Day quiz.
Google Earth Day quiz has been around for over five years and has become a popular topic among people all over the world. In fact, we’ve been talking about it for over half a decade now. Earth Day is a time to look for information on celebrating and protecting our planet – but it’s also a time to learn something about yourself.
First, a doodle. Click on this year’s Earth Day logo (or search for Earth Day quiz) and you’ll be presented with one of the most popular pastimes on the Internet: a silly quiz. Answer a few questions and you can discover, share, and find out which animal best matches your personality.
The quiz works on most current browsers on your mobile and desktop devices, including Google Apps for Android and iOS. That is Google’s latest thought about the Earth Day quiz.
How Do You Play The Earth Day Quiz On Google?

Instead of wasting your time searching for the quiz with words like ‘Google play earth day quiz’, keep reading to learn how to play the Google Earth Day quiz without any hassle! The Earth Day quiz is a straightforward game where Google will ask you which animal you are.
In this quiz, you’ll be asked five questions like ‘What are you doing this Friday night?’ and you’ll have to answer from four fun options like ‘I’m alone in my burrow,’ ‘I am strutting my stuff,’ and so on.
The browser will then decide which animal you are based on the answer you give. There are 12 different animals to choose from, so you’ll find out which one works best for you. From a honey bee to a giant octopus to a wooly mammoth to a sea otter, there are so many choices!
If you want to play the Google Earth Day quiz then you follow these easy steps:
- First, go to the Google search engine.
- Then go to the Type Google Earth Day Quiz and open the page.
- Then click on the start quiz for taking the quiz and Google will ask you questions with all those funny answer options.
What Is A Good Earth Day Question For Students?
There are many interesting questions that are considered to be good Earth Day questions and Google Earth Day quiz answers for students. Here are the top fun questions for students:
What Are The 12 Animals In The Earth Day Quiz?

Now you might be interested to know what are the 12 animals in the Google Earth Day Quiz. So here are the 12 animals:
1) Giant Squid
2) Red-Capped Manakin
3) Honey Badger
4) Komodo Dragon
5) Pangolin
6) Woolly Mammoth
7) Whooping Crane
8) Sea Otter
9) Honey Bee
10) Coral
11) Mantis Shrimp
12) Cuttlefish

This article starts with a question that asks what the Google Earth Day quiz is and we tried our best to provide you with an answer in the most easy way so that you can leave this article with zero questions. We hope that you found this article interesting.