How To Avoid Facebook Marketplace Scams?

Facebook Marketplace Scams

Have you ever heard about the Facebook marketplace scams? Notwithstanding Craigslist and eBay, Facebook Commercial Center has turned into a go-to objective for individuals to trade individual merchandise on the web, by and large in light of the fact that Facebook charges no kind of expense for posting on the help.

Tragically, the Commercial center’s prominence additionally makes it an appealing objective for tricks. Fortunately, assuming you know what to search for, tricksters aren’t difficult to recognize. 

Arm yourself with information about the most well-known indications of Facebook Commercial Center tricks so you can trade securely. In this article, we are going to tell you what are the most common scams on Facebook and how you can avoid them, so continue reading. 

Things To Avoid From Facebook Marketplace Scams

Things To Void From Facebook Marketplace Scams
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Before you shop from Facebook make sure you read this article because it helps you avoid the most common Facebook marketplace scams that many buyers and users face. Here are the common scams on Facebook:

1) Do Not Send Payment Before Received The Item

There are very common Facebook marketplace scams that ask for payment before receiving the item. There are many sellers who ask for payment or advanced payment before you get your thing. 

Sometimes they do send you the item after receiving the money but this risk is worth taking. If the seller keeps pressuring you to make the payment then it might be a scam. Then you should stop contacting the seller. 

2) Do Not Buy Anything That Is Too Cheap

If you like a thing but the price is too cheap to be true then there is a chance that it could be one of the Facebook marketplace scams. See there are some things in the sales where the seller can reduce the price but not at an impossible rate. So if you find this ever then you should stop contacting the seller. 

3) Verify The Product In Person

One of the most common Facebook marketplace scams is sending damage to the buyer. This scam mostly happens with electronic devices. Many scam sellers send damaged electronics to the buyer in one cash delivery and get the payment but after that, the buyer realizes that there is nothing they can do at that moment. To avoid this you can check your parcel in person and then make the payment. 

4) Do Not Accept Cheque For Payments

Never accept a cheque for the payment not on the cash on delivery service. This is one of the most uncommon Facebook marketplace scams but still it happens sometimes. Because there is always a chance that the cheque will bounce and after that, there is nothing you can do as a seller. 

5) Do Not Give Any OTP Or Code

There are many unique types of Facebook marketplace scams happening nowadays. Sometimes the seller asks for a certain type of code or OTP from your phone and says that they need it in order to book the order. Never fall for that scam. There are chances that they might want to hack your phone. 

6) Aware Of Fake Rentals

There is a very common Facebook marketplace scam in the rentals department. Many women find and list houses for rentals but sometimes people list houses that are not owned by them and want to earn money from them in an illegal way. To avoid this scam always ask the neighbor if the person is the owner or not. 

7) Be Aware Of The Lost Packages

There are some very common Facebook marketplace scams like the scam of lost packages. Sometimes the buyer does receive the package but pretends that they didn’t get the product and then they ask for their payment back. To avoid this scam you should keep track of your package shipping provider. 

8) Do Not Trust Any Image Of Payment

One of the most common Facebook marketplace scams is deceiving the seller with a false image of payment. Many times scam buyers send sellers a false image of payment and ask for the product. To avoid this scam always check your own bank statement

9) Do Not Believe In give Always Blindly

There are some offers where sellers giveaway products but many times this becomes a scam. They didn’t actually give away anything but they demanded to buy something from them in order to get the giveaway. Do not fall for this scam. 

10) Don’t Fall For The Overpayment Hack

One of the most uncommon Facebook marketplace scams is sending a false image of overpayment and asking for the overpaid money back. Do not fall for his scam and always check the bank statement or the statement of the UPI you used before doing something like that. 

The Process Of Reporting To A Facebook Scam

The Process Of Reporting To A Facebook Scam
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If you think that you fall for many Facebook marketplace scams then first of all you should stop contacting all the sellers but there are also a few things that you can do. You can either hide the listing from your Facebook feed by clicking on the three dots that appear on the side of the Share option or click on the Hide listing option. 

Or if you want to aware other users aware of the scam then you can report the listing on Facebook by clicking on the same three-dot menu but this time you have to click on the Report Listing option. 

On the other hand, if you are a seller and identify someone as a scammer who wants to scam you on your business. You can make a report about that individual who wants to scam you by reporting that person on the Seller In Formation hub. 


facebook marketplace
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This article starts with a question that asks how to void Facebook marketplace scams and we tried our best to provide you with all the related information about this credit card that you need to know. This article covers all the related angles of this topic. To wrap it up it can be said that there is no harm in shopping from Facebook, but be careful what you are doing. 

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